In MONO, Thomas Hauert invents a polyphonic and abstract piece with neither a linear story nor fixed characters. A cloud of sensations, in sound and movement, liable to stimulate our bodies through immersion and empathy. Working with composer Fredy Vallejos, a violist, and seven dancers, the choreographer invites us to consider the volatility of our subjective consciousness.

The form of the “radiophonic piece,” to “listen to” as suggested by the German word Hörspiel, has developed a rich tradition in the German-speaking countries. 
Since his childhood Thomas Hauert is fascinated by these programs which take us into worlds without images, worlds whose landscapes and drama surprise us from behind, from the side, from inside ourselves. 
For this creation Thomas Hauert worked with the Colombian composer Fredy Vallejos, whom he met during ManiFeste2012 at Ircam (the Institute for Research and Acoustic and Musical Coordination in Paris). They invented a polyphonic and abstract piece with neither a linear story nor fixed characters. 
The choreographer, artisan of a subtle alchemy between improvisation and composition, brings together in MONO (from the Greek “alone” but also “monkey” in Spanish) seven dancers from his company and the violist Noémie Bialobroda. Together they diffuse sounds and movements in a perpetually reconfiguring space, short-circuiting our rational thinking and stimulating our bodies by immersion and empathy.

Concept & Direction Thomas Hauert
Created & performed by Thomas Hauert, Fabián Barba, Sarah Ludi, Albert Quesada, Gabriel Schenker, Mat Voorter, Samantha van Wissen, Liz Kinoshita
Musical and sound composition Fredy Vallejos
Viola Noémie Bialobroda
Light,Scenography Bert Van Dijck
Costumes Chevalier-Masson
Informatical musical collaboration Ircam Bram Moriau
Production ZOO/Thomas Hauert
Coproduction Charleroi danse, Centre chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (BE) / Ircam (FR) / Spectacles vivants-Centre Pompidou (FR) / Centre chorégraphique national de Rillieux-la-Pape – direction Yuval Pick (FR) / STUK Kunstencentrum, Leuven (BE)
Support Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la danse / Pro Helvetia – Fondation suisse pour les arts / Loterie Nationale / Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie / Ein Kulturengagement des Lotterie-Fonds des Kantons Solothurn / Wallonie-Bruxelles International

31 October 2013
15 November 2013
16 November 2013
29 November 2013
30 November 2013
1 December 2013
18 March 2014
Kaaitheater Brussels (BE)
19 March 2014
Kaaitheater Brussels (BE)
6 April 2014
PACT Zollverein Essen (DE)
16 April 2014
15 May 2014
STUK Leuven (BE)
19 May 2015
ADC Genève Genève (CH)
20 May 2015
ADC Genève Genève (CH)
21 May 2015
ADC Genève Genève (CH)
22 May 2015
ADC Genève Genève (CH)
18 November 2015
Tanz in Olten Olten (CH)