Like me more like me

Thomas Hauert & Scott Heron, 2011

Like me more like me is a duet co-created and co-performed by Thomas Hauert and Scott Heron.

For Like me more like me, Thomas Hauert collaborates with Scott Heron, a familiar face from the New York avant-garde scene. Although the two artists create very different work – Thomas is recognized for his improvisation-based choreographic language while Scott makes singular performances layered with camp – they share a mistrust of social and aesthetic conventions, as well as a love of intense and innocent physicality. To belong to a community is one of the deepest human needs. Having both started dancing as kids in their family living room, on opposite sides of the Atlantic, they know how a private world can develop out of, or outside of, surrounding culture. From this point of view, they challenge the hierarchical oppositions between mind and body, reason and emotion, centre and margin that organize and reproduce society. They take as a starting point the idea of “twoness,” this smallest and most emotional form of human connection. Tuning in to the cellular, sensorial, psychical and metaphysical levels, they celebrate intuition and empathy as meaningful sources of artistic creation and reception. Confronting sensibilities, they play with each other, one for each other, and for the audience, maybe in search of completeness.

The piece has been nominated in the category “Outstanding Contemporary Dance Presentation” at the Tribute to the Classical Arts Awards 2014 in New Orleans.

Concept, direction and performance Thomas Hauert and Scott Heron
Light Jan Van Gijsel
Production ZOO/Thomas Hauert
Coproduction Montpellier Danse / Charleroi Danses / Kaaitheater / PACT Zollverein
Support Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la danse / Pro Helvetia – Fondation suisse pour les arts / Loterie Nationale / Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie / Ein Kulturengagement des Lotterie-Fonds des Kantons Solothurn / Wallonie-Bruxelles International

26 October 2011 (work in progress)
Sassafrass Arts Centre Nashville (TE) (US)
10 November 2011 (work in progress)
Montpellier Danse - Agora Montpellier (FR)
17 November 2011 (première)
18 November 2011
21 January 2012
Studio 303 Montreal (CA)
22 January 2012
Studio 303 Montreal (CA)
1 February 2012
Kaaitheater Brussels (BE)
2 February 2012
Kaaitheater Brussels (BE)
3 February 2012
Kaaitheater Brussels (BE)
4 February 2012
Kaaitheater Brussels (BE)
19 March 2012
STUK Leuven (BE)
2 July 2012
Festival Montpellier Danse Montpellier (FR)
3 July 2012
Festival Montpellier Danse Montpellier (FR)
9 August 2012
Impulstanz Vienna (AT)
11 August 2012
Impulstanz Vienna (AT)
6 October 2012
Performa Festival Losone (CH)
12 October 2012
Dance Umbrella London (GB)
13 January 2013
The Ohio State University Columbus (OH) (US)
3 April 2013
4 April 2013
20 November 2013
New Orleans Fringe New Orleans (US)
22 November 2013
New Orleans Fringe New Orleans (US)
23 November 2013
New Orleans Fringe New Orleans (US)
24 November 2013
New Orleans Fringe New Orleans (US)