In Vivo Danse

Research project, 2011

In the frame of ManiFeste, an international festival and multidisciplinary academy organized by IRCAM and Spectacles vivants/Centre Pompidou in Paris, Thomas Hauert lead with Thierry De Mey a two-weeks research on the relationship between dance and music. The five dancers of ZOO worked on Salvatore Sciarrino’s Tre Notturni Brillanti, as well as with four young composers. Translating a complex musical piece for a solo instrument in a collective body of dancers, associating a choreographic activity that includes an element of improvisation and the realization of a musical work with electronics, inventing work methods that communicate between the stage and the studio: these are a few issues this In Vivo Danse project brought to light.

Choreographic direction Thomas Hauert
Musical direction Thierry De Mey
Dancers Thomas Hauert, Sarah Ludi, Albert Quesada, Gabriel Schenker, Mat Voorter
Music Salvatore Sciarrino, Zosha Di Castri, Lin-Ni Liao, Diana Soh, Fredy Vallejos
Alto Noémie Bialobroda
Pedagogical support Ircam/Emmanuel Jourdan, Jean Lochard
Coproduction Ircam/Les Spectacles vivants-Centre Pompidou, Charleroi Danses, ZOO/Thomas Hauert
In partnership with Cnsmdp and with the support of SACD