La mesure du désordre

Thomas Hauert & La Bolsa, 2015

Seven dance makers from Barcelona come together in the Group LaBolsa and reinterpret Thomas Hauert choreographic language through their own experience. The measure of disorder is a contemporary dance piece created as a dialogue between many voices. A piece that tries to show order from disorder, the group from the individual.

Cecilia Colacrai, Iris Heitzinger, Anna Rubirola, Xavi Moreno, Federica Porello and Natalia Jiménez have been meeting in various workshops and projects. In those encounters they could identify common interests regarding movement, research and the development of performative languages. What unites them is an investigation of movement based on scores which create concrete and elaborate frames at the same time as they give way to the performer’s capacity to apply his or her creative intuition when they encounter the public on stage.

The meeting
In August 2012 they all participate in the workshop of Thomas Hauert and get fascinated by his language possibilities. It is then that they find the way to link their interests through the language built by the choreographer. In this moment, given the will of Thomas to engage in directing a creation process with them, they start organizing themselves to make ithappen.

zoom in, zoom out
The measure of disorder is a dance piece which gives protagonism to the body and the mind and its complex capacities of alertness, flexibility and adaptation, while continuously generating new situations in real time. A piece which puts on stage an invented organism, which, just like society and biological systems, reorganises and reinvents itself constantly, nurturing itself from all individual initiatives. In order to show this we part from the basic concept: “zoom in – zoom out”, which is reproduced on all different levels of the project: in its formation, considering the coming together of individual artists. We find the zoom-in in the individual and the zoom-out in the totality of the group which forms an identity in itself. In the methodology, it’s being a collaborative one, which gives rise to an artistic process in form of a dialogue, without directionality, continuously passing from the individual to diverse group constellations. In order to compose The measure of disorder, the unconscious is valued as a means of experimentation and adaptation to exterior stimulus. The work is based on scores which gives order and a necessary frame to disorder. Searching for the measure of disorder.

Direction Thomas Hauert
Concept & creation Thomas Hauert & Group La Bolsa
Danced & performed by Cecilia Colacrai, Natalia Jiménez, Mireia de Querol, Iris Heitzinger, Xavi Moreno, Federica Porello and Anna Rubirola.
Musics Petrouchka (extracts), Igor Stravinsky, I-Ching Variations, for brass quintet and live electronics: First movement, Per Martensson, Relative Patterns (extracts), Fredy Vallejos, Pictures at an Exhibition (extract), Modest Mussorgsky, Mini Overture, Witold Lutosławski, Concerto for Orchestra (extract), Béla Bartók, Call, Luciano Berio, Musique pour Jean-Michel Othoniel, Mauro Lanza, Vorrei Che Fosse Amore, Mina, Aschenblume (extract), Mauro Lanza, Don Juan (extract), Richard Strauss, Sol (extract), Mauro Lanza, Avenue C (remix), Count Basie
Light Bert Van Dijck
Costumes Carme Puigdevall
Production ZOO/Thomas Hauert (Brussels) & Anna Bohigas (Barcelona)
Coproduction Grec Festival de Barcelona (ES), Charleroi danse – Centre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (BE), Les Brigittines (BE).
With the collaboration of l’Animal a l’Esquena (ES), L’Estruch-Fàbrica de Creació de les Arts en Viu de l’Ajuntament de Sabadell (ES), Fabra i Coats (ES), La Caldera – Arts del Moviment (ES), El Graner (ES).
With the support of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la danse / Pro Helvetia – Fondation suisse pour les arts / Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie / Ein Kulturengagement des Lotterie-Fonds des Kantons Solothurn / Wallonie-Bruxelles International / Generalitat de Catalunya

8 July 2015 (avant première)
Graner Barcelona (ES)
14 July 2015 (première) première
GREC Festival Barcelona (ES)
15 July 2015
GREC Festival Barcelona (ES)
3 October 2015
25 March 2016
Les Brigittines Brussels (BE)
26 March 2016
Les Brigittines Brussels (BE)
20 May 2018
Hiver de Danses La Chaux-de-Fonds (CH)
21 September 2018
22 September 2018