Danse étoffée sur musique déguisée
Danse étoffée sur musique déguisée, ZOO’s first piece for a young audience, is a solo dance performance by Mat Voorter on John Cages’s Sonatas and interludes for prepared piano (1946-48) played live by the pianist Lea.
A prepared piano is a piano altered by all sorts of objects placed between its strings. Simple materials as screws, pieces of plastic or an eraser bring the instrument into acoustic territories as “unheard of” as they are strangely familiar. Applying this idea to the body, Thomas Hauert and Mat Voorter have developed a performance that, by deviating from theatrical narration, allows the imagination to unfold. Wrapped in a shell of balloons, blankets and other broomsticks, dancer Mat Voorter metamorphoses, putting his body to the test. On his journey, he encounters suggestive floating sculptures… In this performance nothing is normal, or rather: everything is extraordinary. Between poetry and humor, creation and destruction, Danse étoffée sur musique déguisée re-enchants the world by starting from purely physical constraints in relation to the matter.
Concept Thomas Hauert
Choreography, costumes and accessories Thomas Hauert and Mat Voorter
Performance Mat Voorter
Prepared piano Lea Petra
Music John Cage, Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano (1946-48)
Light Jan Van Gijsel
Stage assistant Laïda Aldaz Arrieta
Production ZOO/Thomas Hauert
Coproduction: La Bâtie – Festival de Genève (CH) / Charleroi danse – Centre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (BE) / Concertgebouw Brugge (BE)
With the support of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la danse / Pro Helvetia – Fondation suisse pour les arts / Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie / Ein Kulturengagement des Lotterie-Fonds des Kantons Solothurn / Wallonie-Bruxelles International